Data Analysis Report

Data analysis (also called Data Discovery) involves analysing all aspects of each potential source system that may relate to data migration, except data quality which is documented in the Data Profiling Report. Both these reports are generally combined but for the purposes of keeping the explanations short and simple they have been split.

Data Structures

Analysing and documenting the data structures is one of the most time consuming activities in this report. Requesting a data model and data dictionary should be the first request. If a functional data model is available then this activity may be as simple as confirming the physical data structures align with this model. 

Begin with identifying all the databases that are used and then getting access to these databases. If you cannot get access to the back-end databases then it is unlikely that this system will be the ideal source system for data migration. Other source system should be identified that either upstream providers of this data or downstream recipients of this data. If this is not an alternative then reports would need to be analysed to determine if data can be extracted from them.

Once access to the databases has been provided then the tables and columns that could potentially be in-scope for data migration should be identified. The primary keys and foreign keys should then be identified to assist with identifying issues with associating data with related data from other systems. It will also assist with assessing the precision of data and whether it will align with the new solution's data requirements. There are tools that can automate this activity however if the table definitions contain this information this would be simpler. In many cases foreign keys may not be identified in which case data models could be used and queries should be written to confirm this.

Data Volumes

Under Construction

Data Custodians, Data Stewards and Data Owners

Under Construction

Data Standards and Data Governance

Under Construction

Infrastructure and Other Technologies

Under Construction


eg COTS solution, Data Management tools and custom software.

Under Construction

interfacing data

Under Construction

Source of Truth

Under Construction

Peak usage times 

Under Construction

Production Schedule

 times when backups and interfaces are run (to identify a window to run regular data extracts and potential access issues during trial migrations and at go-live)

Data Retention Requirements

Under Construction

Archiving Approach

and the location of historical data

Under Construction

Potential Data Migration Issues, Risks, Constraints and Dependencies

Under Construction
